First Presbyterian Church upholds the following major teachings of the Reformed Faith:
- The inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the Bible as the written Word of God.
- The sinfulness of all men and women and their resulting inability to seek out or please God by their own efforts.
- The death of the unique Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as an atoning sacrifice for us. We believe that there is no salvation for anyone apart from faith in Him.
- The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.
- The person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third member of the divine Trinity, is drawing people to Christ, enabling them to believe in Him and strengthening them to live Godly lives.
Mission Statement: Our mission at First Presbyterian church is to be a family of believers charged to reflect Christ in the world.
Vision Statement: Belong to God and one another. Believe God's word. Become more like Christ. Build a better community.
Core Values: Grace, one family, obedience, caring for others and celebration of joy.